Alberta Municipal Enforcement Association
New Member Page
Welcome to the Alberta Municipal Enforcement Association! On behalf of the Executive of the AMEA, I sincerely thank you for your membership and support. I hope the information I have outlined in this letter regarding the benefits of your new AMEA Membership will be both useful and informative to you.
In order to obtain the most out of your new AMEA membership please take the time to get to know our web page and sign up for the forum at www.amea.ca. The forum is an extremely useful area on our website where you will find the most up to date information on job postings, upcoming training, emerging issues/trends in law enforcement and many great discussion boards where any Member can post a question and obtain answers, information and advice from several other Members across the Province. Want to know how other Municipalities solve barking dog complaints, parking complaints or write Unsightly Property Orders? Have a newly written Bylaw to share or an interesting Court case? You can find all this information and more on the Forum, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! We even have an Ask An Expert link where you can ask a Municipal Crown Prosecutor questions regarding law interpretation or a Veterinarian about various topics such as how to tell if a dog is in distress or why that dog or cat may have behaved the way it did. We find that all of our members bring interesting information and perspectives to the table, so please don’t be shy and feel free to share your knowledge and ideas or post any questions you have on the forum. Chances are several other Officers have the same question or have dealt with a similar situation and are willing to share their experiences, mistakes and suggestions. Many Members look for updates on the forum on a daily basis, so be sure to check back often! Don’t be surprised if that question you just posted has several responses by the end of your shift! Sometimes in our field all we need is a good laugh and you will find that on the forum as well! Watch for the posts about funniest calls received by Officers and some of the humor that comes out on the forum between Officers.
Membership in the Alberta Municipal Enforcement Association (AMEA) provides many other benefits as well, including access to quality training and networking opportunities. However, the greatest benefit of all is being a part of a larger team of Officers who will support you and take pride in standing together to provide outstanding Municipal Enforcement Services to the Province of Alberta.
In my opinion, the jewel in our crown is our Annual Conference and Training Seminar when several members come together to discuss a variety of topics, take part in quality training courses and network with Officers from across Alberta. This event is usually held for 5 days in May each year and is a time when we have a chance to put names with faces, swap war stories and celebrate success!
As I mentioned above, one of the benefits of your AMEA membership having access to quality training. The training that our Association strives to provide is designed to meet the diverse needs of our membership. We offer topics that are relevant to the variety of work and situations our Members face every day such as courses on Animal Behavior, Unsightly Premises, the Municipal Government Act, Investigative Techniques, Safety at the Doorway, Knife Defense and other interesting topics. We also strive to promote safe working conditions and the sharing of best practices amongst our membership. Regardless of whether you are new to the field of Municipal Enforcement or bring a long history of experience, you will find that the AMEA offers something for you! As we always welcome new faces and are always open to new perspectives and ideas, I sincerely hope that you will share any strategies and strengths you have with us, whether it be through the Forum or by contacting me or any Executive member personally.
Your Alberta Municipal Enforcement Association Executive works hard all year to bring you the very best training, quality instructors, the most up to date information available as well as ample opportunities for meaningful fellowship and networking. If you have an idea about a course or topic you would like to see offered, please let us know!
We encourage you to contact anyone of us at any time if you have any questions or even just to say a quick “hello”. We wish you well and look forward to getting to know you better in the future.
Each member that joins our Association adds to the unique character and camaraderie of our Association, so thank you again and welcome aboard!
Anna Mast
AMEA President